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EX4961 - Paris f1
- Late Spring to Autumn
- Semi-savoyed
- HR: Pfs 1-11, 15-16
- IR: 12, 14
EX4967 - Madrid f1
- Thick leaves, very uniform, heavy yield
- Outstanding dark color, also on sandy soils
- Very erect habit for maximum harvest
- Slightly pointed lip, no leaf splitting
- HR: Pfs 1-11, 15-16. IR: 12, 14
EX5084 - Spinach Oslo F1
- Mid Winter
- Smooth, glossy dark green
- Pliable leaves
- HR: Pfs 1-9, 11-14
- Suited for bunching
EX5544 - Lisbon f1
- Summer
- Very dark green
- Semi-savoyed
- HR: Pfs 1-9, 11,13,15 - 16
- IR: 12, 14