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EX2642 - Basil Bella Ocimum basilicum
- Compact Genovese variety.
- Large spoon shaped leaves with aromatic taste and flavour.
- No minty aroma.
- Used for production in pots when standard Genovese grows too tall.
EX2382 - Basil Dark Opal (Purple) Ocimum basilicum
- Attractive plant with dark purple, crinkled foliage.
EX2379 - Basil Large Leaf Sweet Ocimum basilicum
- Large leaves
- Mild green, aromatic flavour.
EX2374 - Basil Minette (Greek) Ocimum basilicum
- Compact, bushy, small leaved plant.
- 15-25cm.
- Good spicy flavour.
EX800 Red Ruby
- ASC selection for micro green production
- Very dark red color
- Selected for over 99% red color at micro stage
EX2629 - Borago officinalis
- Bushy plant with large bristly hairy leaves and decorative flowers in clusters.
- Called the Herb of gladness for its exhilarating effect.
- Flowers and young leaves are added to salads and summer drinks.
EX4277 - basil Thai Ocimum basilicum
- Purple Stems
- Purple blossoms
- Distinctive flavour combine the clove-mint of basil with sweet spices